

Written by: Glynn Kosky

19 tools you should consider for building your online business

1 – Hosting

Web Hosting and Domain Registration are two elements of running a website. All marketers need them. Without domains or hosting accounts we wouldn’t be able to showcase odur hard work! Purchasing domains and hosting is usually extremely cheap, and you can find my highest recommendation below:

Hi, I am Michael from Online Marketing Radar!

I launched this blog in January 2019 and write to online marketing interested people about how to crush it online! Today I have a special Guest blog for you!

2 – Autoresponder

Email marketing is an integral component of any marketing strategy. In fact, 59% of marketers say email is their biggest source of ROI. When it comes to email marketing, the autoresponder sequence is a commonly used but often under-appreciated part of the process. Autoresponders are a way to dip your toes into email automation. They’re typically the simplest form of marketing automation to execute when setting up your campaigns — but, when done well, they can be incredibly powerful for bringing in additional customers and revenue. List building is at the core of my business and without an autoresponder I wouldn’t be able to email daily emails to sell products and services. You can find my highest recommendation below:

About Author:
Glynn Kosky

I’m a seven figure super affiliate and product vendor. You can find my products on sites like WarriorPlus.

3 – Funnel & Page Builder

A marketing funnel is what takes a potential customer through the whole journey from discovering your business, all the way to purchasing your products on a regular basis. The goal is to create a highly automated system that is measurable at any point in the customer journey. Online services such as ClickFunnels allow us to create funnels and pages online without the need of hiring a designer or coder. You can find my highest recommendation below:

4 – Click Tracking Software

Click tracking softwares such as Clickmagick is a click tracking platform that allows you to track all sort of clicks (and therefore, optimize all of your marketing efforts). If you are new to online marketing, affiliate marketing (or any other type of marketing that’s done online), any seasoned online marketer will tell you how smart it is to track anything you are promoting. Basically track, track, track anything that you can track, be it paid or organic. Why? Because that’s the only way you know which of your online marketing efforts or ads worked which didn’t, and to what extent. That’s how you can get an edge over the rest of marketer, by spending your hard-earned money on ads and promotions that will bring you more income than your expenses. That’s the only way you can stay ahead and be profitable. You can find my highest recommendation below:

5 – Online Notes

Evernote is an app designed for note taking, organizing, task management, and archiving. It is developed by the Evernote Corporation, headquartered in Redwood City, California. The app allows users to create notes, which can be text, drawings, photographs, or saved web content. This is one of the most useful resources I use online.

6 – Social Proof

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of the correct behavior. Marketers use social proof as a tactic for conversion rate optimization by easing the minds of worried customers. With “Use Proof” you can increase your leads, demos and sales by 10% in less than 10 minutes! Humanize your website, build trust, and authentically create urgency. Proven to boost conversions on over 20,000 sites with average lift of +10%.

7 – Premium WordPress Hosting

Kinsta is a premium WordPress hosting company, offering cloud-based hosting. They provide high performance hosting on Google Apps servers – which means your site runs on the same infrastructure as Google. Highly recommended if you’re using WordPress.

8 – All-In-One Marketing Tool

SEMrush is an SEO tool that does your keyword research, tracks the keyword strategy used by your competition, runs an SEO audit of your blog, looks for backlinking opportunities and lots more. SEMrush is trusted by internet marketers all over the world. It is also used by a number of businesses, big and small. EMrush has a massive database of over 46 million domains and 120 million keywords. It tracks so many things, such as the organic position of a domain or landing URL on Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages), copies of AdWords ads and their positions, CPC ads, competitor analysis and so much more.SEMrush helps with your content marketing, and that is the most important thing it does.

9 – ECom Store Builder

Shopify is a subscription to a software service that offers you to create a website and use their shopping cart solution to sell, ship and manage your products. This is perfect for physical products and dropshipping. Shopify also offers limited free trial. If you want to create an online store using Shopify, you’ve come to the right place.

10 – Travel Affiliate Program (Flight & Hotels)

I use Tripadvisor to search for the best hotel and flight deals! When generating an income online, it’s best to get the best deals so you can invest as much as possible back into your online business. Click the link below to use Tripadvisor to find the best deals!

11 – Podcast Publishing

Buzzspout is a site that is truly awesome. It offers simple solution to hosting a podcast and offers you the choice of time you purchase each month. That alone is very useful and an amazing benefit. Interested in publishing your first podcast? Buzzsprout is for you!

12 – Online Course Creation

Your skills and experiences are unique and valuable. Easily build a beautiful course website, share your knowledge, and be rewarded for it. Teachable does everything for you! My favourite thing about Teachable is it ‘just works’ out of the box. Most of its functionality is intuitive and it doesn’t try to add a million features that most people won’t use. It’s a software tool that knows what it is and who it’s for. It makes it very easy to make a good looking site and get a course up for sale. Anyone can Get Started and be able to do most of what they need to be able to do to create a profitable online course business easily.

13 – VPN Software

A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology that allows you to create a secure connection over a less-secure network between your computer and the internet. It protects your privacy by allowing you to anonymously appear to be anywhere you choose. You can find my highest recommendation below:

14 – WordPress Themes

If you use WordPress, you’re going to want to use some great looking and FAST to load themes. Thrive Themes are built for speed, readability and clarity. And they are packed with features that make your website building life easy. Thrive Leads is your all-in one email list building tool. Create and freely design every type of opt-in form, run A/B tests and grow your list faster than ever before.

15 – Website Live Chat

JivoChat is an all-in-one business messenger that teams use to talk to customers everywhere: live chat, phone, email, and social. Your customers are on websites, the phone, social media, the list goes on. JivoChat allows visitors to talk to you using their favorite platforms, so you never miss an opportunity to make a connection. Agents receive all chats, emails, and calls in one Jivo app, so no more time-consuming fumbling between different windows. The result? Efficient client/agent communication, less distraction, and all the necessary tools to provide exceptional customer support.

16 – Website & Logo Creation

Design Pickle is the world’s #1 unlimited graphic design service. Meet your personal graphic designer today, always available, and for one flat monthly fee. Design Pickle is a flat rate graphic design service. You write up a brief, send it over to your designer and they email you back kick ass images. I use them for all of the images on all of my sites!

17 – Payment Processing

A payment processor is a company appointed by a merchant to handle transactions from various channels such as credit cards and debit cards for merchant acquiring banks. Once you start earning good money online, you’ll want to integrate payment processors other than the normal ones like PayPal. National Processing gets two thumbs up from me!

18 – Chat Bot Building

Chatbots – also known as “conversational agents” – are software applications that mimic written or spoken human speech for the purposes of simulating a conversation or interaction with a real person. There are two primary ways chatbots are offered to visitors: via web-based applications or standalone apps. Today, chatbots are used most commonly in the customer service space, assuming roles traditionally performed by living, breathing human beings such as Tier-1 support operatives and customer satisfaction reps. Today, you can make your very own chatbot that you can use in Facebook Messenger, for example – all without a pricey Computer Science degree or even much prior coding experience – and there are several sites that offer the ability to create rudimentary chatbots using simple drag-and-drop interfaces. Click the link below to build your own Chat Bot now!

19 – Solo Ad Traffic

A solo ad is an email campaign that you send with to a niche email list that you do not own. You basically “rent” the email list of someone else in your industry to send your targeted promotions. Building a comprehensive email list is the cornerstone of any successful internet promotion, sale, or business. For hassle free solo ads that convert into leads, sales and commissions, click the link below.

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