
How To Stop Thinking Like A Poor Person And Start Thinking Rich – How To Become Rich

Today we go over how to stop thinking like a poor person, and how to start thinking like a rich person. Rich people are rich because they think like a rich person, and poor people are poor, because they think like a poor person.

Check Out Masculine Man’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/masculineman

Everyone wants to get rich, but no ones want to do the work. This video is an introduction to how people think rich, if you want learn more about how not to be poor I would recommend reading as many books as possible, like rich dad poor dad.

Daybreak by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100266
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

How to Sponsor a Podcast: Getting Started

I want to start by prefacing that there is no playbook on how to purchase podcast ads. Everything you read in this blog post is based on our research and the many hang-ups we experienced along the way.

Podcast advertising isn’t a cut-and-dried initiative, and it requires a lot of upfront labor. What makes this process worthwhile is the fact that it’s not something that everyone is doing—which can mean great things for brands that are struggling to grow a name in a saturated space.

This post will teach you the fundamentals of purchasing podcast ads and prep you for running your very own campaign.

Get to Know the Podcasting Lingo

Similar to social or paid advertising, podcast advertising has its own lingo. And while knowing the ins and outs of podcast advertising terminology isn’t a must, it will help you make better decisions about running a podcast advertising campaign.

Here’s what you need to know:

Episode Downloads

Podcast hosts praise themselves on the popularity of their show. Show popularity, as you might’ve guessed, is measured in episode downloads. Regardless of which publishing platform the host uses (e.g., Apple, Spotify, etc.), they’re given information on the number of downloads every episode receives.

When looking at the performance of individual episodes over time, hosts can make educated decisions about the average number of downloads an episode will receive in the future. They then gather those insights and use them to decide on their sponsorship rates.

It’s important to note that episode downloads do not equal the number of listeners who will hear your ad. Podcast listeners may not play the episode right away, or they may skip the ad read altogether. And while this may sound discouraging, research shows that 93% of podcast listeners get through most of the episode and are less likely to skip podcast ads altogether.

CPM Model

Technically speaking, podcast hosts base their advertising rates on a CPM model. CPM stands for “cost per mille,” which translates from Latin to “cost per thousand.” If a podcast has a CPM of $25, that means you’re paying $25 for 1,000 listeners (or downloads per episode). And if that podcast receives 50,000 downloads per episode, you should expect to pay $1,250 for a single episode.

Based on our experience, however, pricing isn’t always this cut and dry. Many other factors go into play when it comes to podcast advertising rates. Such as:

  • Campaign duration (number of episodes sponsored)
  • Ad type (baked-in vs. dynamic)
  • Ad placement (pre-roll, mid-roll, vs. post-roll)

In summary, the podcast advertising pricing model is very much arbitrary. And while it’s important to take note of podcast CPM rates, it should not be the only stat you take into account.

Ad Types

There are two different ad types: baked-in and dynamic. The baked-in ads are the permanent, evergreen ads. They’re the ads that get recording during the show and remain part of the episode until the host decides to take it down entirely. From our experience, those types of ads sound more organic, as hosts tend to weave them into the topic of the show naturally.

Although it’s common for dynamic ads also to be host read, these are the types of ads that get inserted into the episode on-demand. Once the episode reaches the promised number of downloads, the ad will be swapped out with a different sponsor. In doing so, hosts can monetize the same episode over time and in turn, make a larger profit. As a sponsor, you’ll want to consider dynamic ads if you’re interested in running a seasonal campaign, as the evergreen exposure is of less importance is those instances.

You can learn more about live-read versus pre-produced podcast ads here.

Ad Placement

There are three types of ad placements that you should be aware of:

  • Pre-roll: runs at the beginning of the show for 15-30 seconds
  • Mid-roll: runs in the middle of the show for 60 seconds
  • Post-roll: runs toward the end of the show, usually before final credits

Since mid-roll ads get the most significant exposure, they tend to be the most expensive, followed by pre-roll and post-roll.

When deciding on ad placements, remember that not all hosts treat their placements equally. And while most established podcasts offer all three, some may provide fewer placements or charge the same amount, regardless of when the ad is played. So be sure to check in with the host and confirm the placement and the duration of their ad spots.

Setting a Budget

Even if you have all the confidence in the world that podcast advertising is right for you, it’s essential to start small. If you’re working with smaller, host-owned podcasts that offer baked-in ads, a budget of $10-15K is a solid starting point (check out this case study to see an example of this approach). And while a smaller budget may not result in the most glorious ROI, it will help you dip your toes into podcast advertising, without blowing your entire advertising budget.

It’s also helpful to set a budget for individual episodes—as it gives you parameters on what podcasts fit into your price range. For example, if you’re starting with smaller podcasts, set a per-episode budget of $500-$1,500. This way, while you’re prospecting for podcasts, you can easily vet podcasts that are way outside of your price range.

In our experience, we found that pricing fluctuates based on the popularity of the targeted niche. If that niche is saturated with other sponsors, your $10K budget may not stretch far. Keep this top of mind as you search for podcasts and set your budget.

Know What to Ask for as a Sponsor

Once you’ve built a list of podcasts that you’d like to work with, you’ll need to start getting in front of the podcast hosts and formulating partnerships.

When you’re first getting started, this can feel a bit daunting. Podcast advertising requires a lot of moving parts that need to be solidified before the launch of your first campaign.

To make things a little easier, here’s a template that we use to collect information from the hosts:

SUBJ: [NAME OF PODCAST] sponsorship inquiry


Hi there,

I’m reaching out on behalf of a brand in the [INDUSTRY TYPE] industry and I was hoping to get a media kit for [PODCAST NAME] podcast.

Primarily, I’m looking to get information on the following:

  • Downloads per episode
  • Ad type (baked-in vs. dynamic)
  • Cost of mid-roll placement
  • Sponsorship commitments (required # of episodes/spend)

Thanks so much!

In addition to asking the technical questions, you’ll want to gauge the host’s enthusiasm in their email reply. If they don’t seem super interested or excited about your product or service, their lack of excitement could very well translate into the live ad read.

Stay Organized

When you first begin establishing relationships with hosts, there’s going to be a lot of back and forth. If you’re not keeping track of whom you’re contacting, it won’t be long before the podcasts start blending. A spreadsheet will help you keep track of which podcasts you’ve contacted and what it costs to sponsor them.

It’s also important to note that sponsorship slots for popular podcasts fill up quickly. During your outreach, you’ll soon come to realize that the podcasts you’re most interested in working with may not be available for several weeks or even months. It’s a good idea to use the same spreadsheet to track upcoming availability—which can also help you plan for upcoming campaigns.

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the process, purchasing podcast ads will be a breeze! If you’re ready to start finding podcasts to sponsor, be sure to check out our tips on finding a podcast for your next ad campaign.

The post How to Sponsor a Podcast: Getting Started appeared first on Portent.

How Facebook Messenger Bots Can Elevate Your Online Business?

facebook marketing

An online presence has become paramount in the prevailing global economic conditions. Unless you have been living under a rock, you have watched Facebook evolve from just an online ‘meet me’ spot to a staple in business. This phenomenal online platform has instituted steady improvements over the years and one of the latest ones being, Facebook messenger bots.

Facebook messenger bots are autonomous messages that can interact with clients on your behalf using automated responses. How are they beneficial to my bottom line? – you may ask. These bots provide a number of benefits such as:

1. Saves You Some Face Time
You no longer have to be glued to your monitor, Facebook messenger bots can interact with customers on your behalf through words, videos and pictures depending on customer queries.

2. Help Gather Customer Information
Facebook messenger bots can read and interpret customer queries through artificial intelligence after which, they will deliver relevant answer templates or furnish you with the information needed to respond to the customer query yourself.

3. Easy Customization

These bots amplify various Facebook resources such as chat extensions, sharing capabilities and visual components to help extend your reach. These bots can also be customized to accept customer payments in the messenger window.

4. Broadens Your Reach
Customers are seeking to patronize businesses with bots, which exposes your businesses to a larger audience. Ensure you retain your patrons by giving them a memorable experience.

5. Helps in Delivery
Bots also come in handy in dropping your product offerings and ads right into customer inboxes.

Statistics show that more than 100,000 businesses are using bots with that number set to rise. Customers have also expressed an affinity and preference for businesses they can message effectively. These two facts alone highlight the importance of incorporating Facebook messenger bots into your online business.

Suggestions for Passive Income for 2019 | Passive Income ONLINE

A lot of men and women dream of leaving the work force and retire or only have more time with family.   Now how does this sound if I inform you you could even earn money while you’re sleeping? If that sounds great to you, then you have to think about passive income.  Earning money is money you get in a means which needs little to no attempt, and in the modern internet world, it is simpler than ever to attain.While the target is to establish financial liberty and also to spare time to pursue additional enterprise, remember that it is not all rainbows and butterflies.  Establishing passive income asks a whole lot of upfront effort, hard work, and even a little investment, but if you place in the job then you’re going to have the ability to reap the benefits.In the following guide, I will be moving over a few amazing online chances  which you could begin now to begin earning passive income and living the life you desire!

Begin a YouTube Channel

Paid courses

A YouTube channel is an excellent way to create a new brand, to draw an audience or clients for a complementary enterprise, and above all, to make a passive, unlimited income. Here are only 4 choices You’ve Got for making passive income using a YouTube channel:

Produce tutorial videos to pull audiences and construct a neighborhood in a market that interests you and that may help others, then offer a paid class through Udemy, skillshare, etc..

Affiliate Marketing

Make a commission for product reviews or product promotions on your own station.  Just set your distinctive affiliate link to the description or sales funnel and get paid anytime somebody clicks and makes a purchase.  Simply market products related to your market, otherwise, you risk your own credibility.

Ads on Channel

YouTube founders get paid when a viewer sees some of the advertisement shown before the movie begins.  Getting from advertisements is estimated 3$-9$ per 1000 perspectives based upon your specialty.


When you grow your channel and develop your audience, individuals and companies can pay you or provide you free products to market in your Youtube channel.

Write a Blog

Blogging permits you to earn money while you sleep and enjoy more time with your loved ones –you just need to place in the job to maintain your site participating.  The fantastic thing is that establishing a website is quite affordable and simple.The very first step in earning money with a site  is setting this up.  Buy a exceptional domain name and hosting to your own blog.   Once your website has been installed here are five ways to develop a site which will make you money:

Produce Focused Content

Write more, engaging, content that offers value to the reader, since this can help rank your site greater on Google.  Ensure your site is SEO optimized so that you may draw more readers. If you are unsure how to begin, consider commenting on your favorite websites and starting up discussions on social networking. 

Monetize Your Website

The same as using a YouTube channel, a site may also be monetized.  Affiliate advertising and sponsorships (sponsored articles or sponsored testimonials) are two approaches that translate nicely to sites.  It is also possible to subscribe to Google Adsense for free so you can get paid for showing targeted Google ads on your site.

Compose Guest Posts for Different Websites

Guest posting is an excellent way to construct relationships with bloggers and attract new eyeballs to your site.  In addition, it can allow you to build valuable back to your site.  Does this enable people to locate your site, but it could also help improve your post positions in search engines like Google.

Provide Product or Service

Provide products or services to your site readers such as website training, consulting services, or other services related to a market.  This is most effective once you create something that’s really valuable to your lovers and also will provide enduring worth.

7 Realistic Ways to Make Money Online

The internet offers many opportunities to generate passive income sufficient for you to quit the daily 9 to 5 routine.

Whether you’re looking to make some fast cash, or you’re after long-term, more sustainable income-producing results, there are certainly ways you can make money online today. The truth is that making money online isn’t as difficult as most make it out to seem. It does require some discipline.
However, if you’re looking for realistic ways you can start earning money online now, then it really truly does boil down to seven paths you can take towards profit. Some will provide you with immediate results, helping you to address your basic monthly necessities such as rent, utilities and groceries, while others have the potential to transform your life by revolutionizing your finances in the long term.
No matter what method you select for generating your online income, there’s one very important thing to understand.

Active vs. passive income

Money can be earned and spent, saved and pilfered, invested and wasted. Not time.

That’s why time is far more valuable than money. You can’t recreate time. Once it’s spent, it’s gone forever.
When you lack the luxury of time, making money on or offline can seem like an impossible task. How are you supposed to do that when you’re working at a life-sucking nine-to-five job? While the stability of full-time employment might allow most to sleep well at night, it doesn’t empower your creative juices to search for new income-producing strategies.
No matter what method you end up using to earn an income on the web, you need to adjust your mindset to help empower rather than discourage you. The truth is, making money online can be fraught with avoidable pitfalls. Cancel the noise by keeping a few fundamental guiding principles in mind.
If you’re at all serious about generating a full-time income and possibly more from your online activities, then you need to focus on passive income as opposed to active income. Sure, the active income will help you survive. That’s the scarcity mentality at play. But it’s the passive income ideas that will help you thrive.
Considering that you have a finite amount of time, passive income should make up a large part of your work. If you’re serious about generating any semblance of income online, then passive income should be one of your sole goals and ambitions. Why? Wouldn’t you prefer to do the work one time and get paid repeatedly as opposed to relying on your time to generate that income? Invest the time at the front-end so that you can reap the benefits on the back-end. This means putting in a bit of sweat equity and not getting paid today. Rather, you’ll get paid somewhere down the road.

And you’ll continue getting paid whether you keep building that passive income stream or you stop.

Anyone interested in making money online should be pursuing passive income, while also working on active income.

There are loads of ways to generate an income passively on the internet, many of which start at the foundation of having a blog, generating substantial traffic and building an audience and a list. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.
That doesn’t mean you need to start a blog to make money online today. You could opt for a non-blog-starting route, but if you’re looking for longevity in your income-producing abilities on the internet, then a blog should be your primary aim.
Related: How Can App Makers Improve Revenue and Keep Users Engaged?

1 Leverage the app economy

If you’re looking to address some immediate financial needs, then the app economy is likely right for you.
Uber or Lyft : If you’re in a locale where you can find Uber or Lyft, or one of the many competitors around the world such as China’s Didi, the hours are flexible and you can work as you see fit, making it perfect, even if you currently have full-time employment but are looking to make some money on the side
Postmates : You don’t even need a car in some locations to make money with this app. In some major metroplitan areas like Manhattan, a bike would suffice.
iBotta : Earn cash back rewards by purchasing featured products at major retailers. All you have to do is add rebates, go shopping, then snap a photo of your receipt to earn your cash back. Simple and effective.
Task Rabbit : Another simple and straightforward app for making a bit of side-hustle income is the Task Rabbit app. Tasks can be anything from simple repairs to more exhaustive undertakings. The app carefully vets each service provider to ensure the highest quality, and it’s a great way to make some extra income on the side on your own terms.
Ebates : This app offers a simple way to make money online by buying whatever you’re already buying and then getting a cash-back reward With eBates, there’s no scanning receipts Simply click a link in the app and buy from the store You’ll automatically be credited your cash rewards upon purchase along with receiving an email confirmation.

Swagbucks : With Swagbucks, there are a number of ways you can make money. You can shop online, watch videos, answer surveys and surf the web. The app gives you both cash back and gift cards as a reward for your efforts.
Inbox Dollars : Another app you can use to make money online is Inbox Dollars, which pays you for watching television, taking surveys and shopping. There are cash offers here and it’s relatively similar to some of the other apps in this arena.
Related: What You’ll Really Earn on Uber, Airbnb and TaskRabbit Every Month

2 Use existing websites

You could also opt to use existing websites for making money. These include both active income and passive income methods. For example, you could sell some used items or invest in creating some digital designs that then can be sold on merchandise. Again, devote a sizable portion of your time to passive income so that you can slowly build up earnings that will arrive on autopilot without any extra added effort.
Of course, a large portion of these sites do have their own respective apps. But these are certainly less involved in the gig economy, and more so in the longer term projects that exist in the fields of photography, online marketing, graphic design and web development, for example.
Craigslist : This site has been the go-to resource for over a decade now for people that are looking to make a bit of extra money online. You can easily sell your used stuff, rent out a spare room in your home or apartment, and offer up your services to the world.
Upwork : This website offers a great marketplace for selling just about any professional service. You don’t need a merchant account, website of your own or anything else for that matter. All you need to do is be able to provide a high-quality service at a reasonable price. But be informed, you will have to compete with many others that are constantly bidding on open jobs.
Cafe Press : This website allows you to create digital designs that can then be sold on the platform. You’ll earn a commission for everything that sells and you’ll never have to deal with logistics like printing, warehousing and customer service.

If you have some graphic design skills, then this is a great potential source for your web-based income.
Fiverr : Israeli-based Fivver was started in 2010 by Shal Wininger and Micha Kaufam. You can offer gigs as low as $5 but also get paid much more for upgrades and add-ons.

Mechanical Turk : Amazon’s Mechanical Turk is a resource for doing human-intelligence tasks, or as the site commonly refers to them, HITs You get paid a very small fee for any given HIT and you’ll need a good deal of volume to make a substantial amount of money. But it is a resource you can use in your spare time to generate a small income online.
Flippa : If you have a penchant for buying and selling, you could use Flippa, and its higher-end counterpart, Deal Flow Brokerage to buy and sell websites for a profit. You’ll need to know what you’re doing here, but you could easily make a sizable income by flipping income-generating websites for profit.
Etsy : While Etsy’s popularity has declined recently, it’s still a great resource for selling handmade items online. No need for complex ecommerce sites or merchant accounts or any sort of automation. The company takes a commission of every sale and charges a small listing fee per item. But many still use Etsy as their primary source of income. The best part is that you can also sell digital products on here such as poster designs.
Shutterstock and iStockPhoto : Have a keen eye for photography? Why not sell photos on some of the leading photography sites You’ll need some design software skills to tag along. But if you do have skill in this arena, it’s a great potential source for passive income.
Threadless : Similar to CafePress, Chicago-based Threadless also allows you to sell digital designs in the form of t-shirts and other merchandise such as phone cases, mugs, beach towels and so on
Zazzle : Another great resource for selling online is to use Robert Beaver’s Zazzle. The site is somewhat similar to Etsy and virtually anyone can make money online selling a variety of items here. From art to handmade items and customizable products, you can pretty much sell anything here.
Related: 5 Ways to Make Enough Side Money to Eventually Quit Your Job.

3 Sell your own stuff

If you’re ready to enter the ecommerce fray, you could sell your own stuff. Of course, along with selling your own stuff on your own website comes a whole slew of both responsibilities and technical configuration and requirements. For starters, you’ll need a website and a hosting account. You’ll also need a merchant account like ones offered by Stripe or PayPal. Then you’ll need to design that site, build a sales funnel, create a lead magnet and do some email marketing.
You’ll also need ecommerce software, fulfillment software, worry about warehousing, customer service and refunds. But that’s not all You’ll also need traffic. Think search engine optimization, Facebook ads, and other social media campaigns. It is hard work, especially on your own. You could opt for Amazon’s platform, which might be the easier route. But, then again, at the end of the day, this is a serious business, which could produce significant profits. So you’re either all in or you’re not.
Shopify : Want to build your own storefront? You could opt to create a Shopify store. You could also install WooCommerce as a plugin and run your ecommerce store from your blog. You’ll need an SSL certificate and a way to process payments, but you might find this easier to get up and running fast to start selling immediately.
Fulfilled-by-Amazon (FBA): You could start selling on the largest online store in the world and not spend the time to build out your own infrastructure or worry about traffic. You will need to pay a commission, but most of the other processes will be automated for you.
Drop-shipping: Amazon offers one form of drop-shipping, but there are other resources for drop-shipping products that you’ll never actually have to see or handle yourself.

You’ll simply need to close the sale.

Providers like SaleHoo , Worldwide Brands , and many others, offer you a resource for drop-shipping your products.
High-ticket consulting or coaching : You could sell your own high-ticket consulting or coaching products from your website. You’ll still need a website, merchant account, sales funnel, lead magnet and many other items. But you can easily earn a substantial amount of money from each individual customer, making it well worth the arduous setup required.
Related: Making Money Online: 5 Major Online Selling Opportunities for Any Entrepreneur

4 Sell as an affiliate

There are loads of resources for making money online as an affiliate. You could source products from ClickBank, Commission Junction, Rakuten Marketing, Share-a-Sale, Impact Radius and many others.

Plus, many of the larger companies have their own affiliate programs as well.

Do your due diligence and find the right company with a relevant product or service to your audience that you can sell as an affiliate.
In some cases, you will need an active website with substantial traffic to get approved. Selling as an affiliate isn’t easy by any means, but if you do have the audience, it can definitely amount to a substantial amount of income.
Related: Why Affiliate Networks Are So Important to Online Affiliate Marketing

5 Start a blog

If you’re serious about making money online, start a blog. Blogging is one of the easiest and most sustainable income sources. As long as the blog is setup the right way, in the right niche, with the right content targeted at the right audience, and the offer is complementary to the content, you could make a tremendous amount of passive income from a blog.
While some might think that starting a blog is an arduous effort, when you understand the precise steps you need to take, it becomes far easier. It all starts in the decision of choosing a profitable niche and picking the right domain name. From there, you need to build your offers. You can easily sell things like mini-email courses, trainings and ebooks.
Related: 6 Ways to Turn Your Blog Into a Money Maker

6 Email marketing

If you’re interested in online marketing, setup email software and create a lead magnet that you can use in your sales funnel. Then, build up that list. It’s often said that you can expect to earn about $1 per subscriber per month.

If you have a list of 10,000 subscribers, that means you can earn roughly around $10,000 per month.

You will need to deliver value and not pitch them on every email, but it is a very achievable goal in a short period.
There are many ways to get people onto your list. Lead magnets are one such resource. For example, you can build ebooks, checklists and cheat sheets. But you can also do content upgrades, such as PDF versions of an article with added resources in them, four-part video training series, and more. Think about your audience and what you can offer them to better serve them, then treat them with some respect and you’ll eventually reap the rewards.
Related: One of Facebook’s First Employees Explains Why Email Marketing Is Better Than Social Media Marketing.

7 Webinars trainings

Webinars are quite possibly one of the most potent ways you can make an exorbitant amount of money online. You’ll need an audience to train and you’ll need to know what you’re talking about. Of course, this usually requires having a website and some semblance of an online presence. However, people can still do webinars without all of that. For example, you might have a sizable social media following and you train them every week on something to do with social media. But you will need a product to embed and sell at some point. Don’t worry about it in the beginning. In my experience, the best webinar platform out there is GoToWebinar.


No matter what method you choose to make money online, understand that you might be able to make some money fast, but for the sizable returns, you’ll need significant sweat equity. However, a year from now, you’ll be happy you started today. Remember, time is far more valuable than money. Focus on creating passive income streams that will free up your time so that you can quit the rat race and focus on the things that matter.


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