
How to make money on Facebook

Facebook makes a lot of wealth. In 2019, Facebook’s revenue amounted to 70.7 billion US dollars. The social network’s main source of income is digital advertising. But Facebook isn’t the only one making money thanks to its platform. Smart marketers, and even everyday users are using the immense popularity of this social networking site to make millions of dollars.

Today, we’re going to indicate you a few ways you can make money with Facebook – from making money with affiliate marketing via Facebook ads and selling sponsored shares & likes to creating money making apps, doing custom fan pages and more. With some of these, you may be able to make a few extra dollars here and there, with some you may be able to make $100+ a day on Facebook, with others you my be able to create a long lasting profitable Facebook business.

Earn Free Cash

Try Swagbucks, the famous rewards platform that pays you for watching videos, taking surveys, shopping and more. Let’s get started…

Use existing Facebook apps to make money

Apps are all the rage these days. Although the best way to earn money with Facebook apps is to actually create one that hopefully becomes popular, there are also already made apps that can help you with some pocket change .

Here are a few:

Magic Moments (by Cafepress)

Magic Moments was created by Cafepress (the site that lets you create and sell customizes t-shirts, mugs, hats, etc) to help users take pictures and videos of their products and sell ’em on the platform easily. If you have an artistic side, this may be a great way to make some cash creating works of art.

Facebook Shop (by Storeya)

Facebook Shop is an awesome app for those of us who sell stuff online. Whether you have an e-commerce store, a small website, a storefront on sites like Zazzle and Cafepress, you can use this app to import your entire store and all its products to your Facebook page under a “Store” tab. So yes, you’ll basically have a store on Facebook. The app has free and paid versions. The free version is moderate , of course, but it does enough to get you familiar with it and see if you like it enough to upgrade.


EasySocialShop is another great free app that lets you easily import all your products from your online store to your Facebook page where you can market to millions of people.

Garage Sale

GarageSale app is connected to http://Buy.com . It’s a virtual garage sale that makes it easy to sell your used stuff and make some extra money.


Zazzle app has a very neat feature – using its “My Merch Store ” feature, you can market items you create not only on Zazzle Personalized Gifts, Custom Products & Décor but also on your Facebook page.


The eBay Facebook app allows you to promote your eBay listings on your Facebook page.

Monetize your Facebook page

Your FB page is an asset that can be used to profit from if you know how. Here are a few ways you can use that asset to make money. Need Extra Hard cash for Free? If you like getting paid for surveys, and are going to join only one site, I would recommend you choose Ipsos-iSay. Ipsos is the most fun and well-paying panel. Give it a try to see how you like it. It is free anyway!

Sell stuff on Facebook’s Marketplace

When looking for an online market to sell personal property, people immediately think of eBay and Craigslist. But you can also sell a variety of items, from books and baby products to clothing and even furniture , on Facebook’s Marketplace.

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Affiliate Marketing

You can boost products as an affiliate on Facebook as well. This can be a little tricky. You don’t want to spam your friends and family by dumping affiliate links every time you post on Facebook. You have to strike a balance. More importantly, you have to find and promote something that is relevant. For example, around Christmas, you could promote Christmas decoration for an online store. Here is how you can get this started:

  • Sign up for an affiliate marketing website like Shareasale or CommissionJunction. It’s always free. Maybe they will check your website or ask for the size of your email list, but usually you will get approved.
  • Lookup their marketplace for a product/service to promote
  • Grab your unique affiliate link. They’ll give you a unique link that identifies you as the source whenever someone uses it to buy that product/service.
  • Post on Facebook periodically about the product while including your unique affiliate link in it.
  • Every time someone clicks that link and buys the product, you earn a commission. The best part about this whole thing is that once that post/link is up, it can generate commission for you for as long as that product is accessible. It becomes a sort of passive income stream.

Other options

Here are a few other ways you can earn extra cash with the help of your Facebook account.

Develop your own Facebook related app

If you can code, creating a Facebook related app is a great way to not only make money but also help users with various functions. But what if you don’t know how to make apps? There is another way. Although it requires a little investment. You can hire freelance developers on just about any freelancing site to design and develop the app for you. You come up with the idea (what the app will do) and the rest is done by the developer. If you need inspirations, check out the story of Facebook app student millionaires who after being encouraged by their Stanford professor, B.J. Fogg, to create apps for homework assignments, created apps that were making them thousands of dollars a day!

Publish a Facebook Kindle eBook

It’s a new and very unfamiliar landscape for grandma. She wants to keep in touch with the kids. They all seem to be on that Facebook thingy all day long. Only if grandma knew how to use the crazy thing! If you know a lot about using Facebook and all its functions, you can help grandma by creating a simple Facebook guide eBook. To those of us who use Facebook every day, it may seem strange that anyone would need (and pay for) a guide for using it. But people do. Think of the elderly and the less tech savvy folks. Amazon’s Kindle library is full of eBooks with Facebook guides for seniors .

Blog about it

Just like creating an eBook, blogging about Facebook could also make you money. Think of it as an eBook with new chapters published daily or weekly. And to make money, you could display ads, sell sponsored posts, and even offer Facebook related services (setting up fan pages, custom profile page designs, etc.)

Sell Fan Pages

You can actually make good wealth by offering customized fan pages to businesses. Depending on the customer and their needs, it can be as simple as writing a few sentence about the company and putting a nice header picture together, or as specialized as creating custom graphics and images to create a truly amazing Facebook page. HubSpot has a great list of 15 beautiful Facebook fan pages that can give you some ideas and inspirations on how to create great looking fan pages. Again, take a look at Fiverr. There are tons of people who make money doing exactly that.

Become a Facebook selling expert

Some marketers are still trying to catch up on how to effectively use social networks as a marketing tool. If you know the ins and outs of marketing tactics and strategies on Facebook like the back of your hand, you could sell your services as a Facebook marketing specialist. Help small business promote and grow their Facebook pages so they can reach more potential customers. Just like Google revolutionized search advertising, Facebook has a alike effect on social media advertising, so use your knowledge to help companies make use of this potential.

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Do Sponsored Likes & Shares

Although I am not in particular fond of this one, hundreds of thousands of people do use this method for extra money . Basically, if you have a large number of friends on Facebook you could go on micro job sites like Fiverr offering to like or share a page, website, picture, etc for a fee. Obviously, the bigger is the number of friends you have, the more people are willing to pay you to essentially promote their stuff on your Facebook page. Some people are actually making a living with this on Fiverr.

Sell Likes & Shares

Yes you heard it right; you can do much more with your likes and shares than just affect your latest crush. This is another method I don’t particularly like, but it’s out there.

Some people, on sites like Fiverr, offer a service where they get thousands of likes or shares for a Facebook page you specify. There are even some companies now that specialize in doing that. While usually people selling on Fiverr seem to be using a bot to generate thousands of phony accounts, thus getting you thousands of fake likes and shares, there are a few companies that insist they deliver shares and likes from real accounts with real individuals behind them. People pay for these fake (or real, but useless since they are not genuine) likes because it’s much easier to get new customers/visitors to like you when they see a big number of people who’ve already liked you. It’s the herd mentality. The logic is that a Facebook page with a large number of likes and shares inspires more confidence among buyers about a brand.

Final Words

What I personally like about Facebook marketing in general is that there are options for everyone. There are some methods that will help you earn a little pocket money, while others will actually enable you a new life style through making a fortune from Facebook.


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