
How to get more traffic to your blog in 2020? 9 Strategies

Recently I found a very helpful video that revealed 9 new techniques to drive more traffic to your website. Enjoy!

Credit to BACKLINKO 

1 The “Upside Down” Guest Post

Write a guest post but with some special feature: Include helpful resources that link to your website. This will bring more traffic to your website than the Authors Bio at the very end of the article.

2 Use Click to Tweet Links

Check your post for “tweetable” content. That can be list, info graphics.

Go to https://clicktotweet.com/ and create a Link that you then embed to your blog.

3 Publish more List posts

Buzz Sumo found out that List posts are 6x more shared than How to posts and 40x more than info graphics.

4 Overhaul and update old blog posts

Add new strategies, update your graphics, remove outdated links.
Relaunch it like a new post. Share it new on social media, send an announcement to your email list.

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5 Add “Share Triggers” to your content

Use social currency: things that lets the reader look good if he shares it on social media. This can be for instance a well designed info graphic.

6 Go on Podcasts

One survey found out that 24% of all Americans listen to podcasts regularly.

Go to podcasters as a guest. The links provided in the show notes can boost your website significantly with laser targeted visitors.

7 Create “Predictably Viral” Content

  • viral content contains lots of visuals (images, infographic, videos)
  • viral content tends to have a high utility
  • Long blog articles tend to go more viral than short articles (3000 word articles are 200% more shared than 1000 word articles)
  • Viral content needs an initial push to get going (Promote it on WebDev or other platforms)

8 Post on Social Media at strategic times

Best time for posting are as follows:

9 Get more traffic with content transformation

Make an E-Book, video, info graphic or LinkedIn post out of a Blog post.

Bonus 1: Steal your competitors traffic source

Use https://www.similarweb.com/ to check and emulate your competitors traffic strategies.

  • Send a guest post to one o their best traffic source websites
  • Create a video on Youtube

Bonus 2: Drive traffic from forums

  • Become an active member of a related forum
  • Answer questions of these members
  • They will check your website provided in the Bio

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