
How to make money from Blogging in 2020

How to make money from Blogging in 2020

Today I found a nice video by CREATE AND GO about monetizing your blog. These 10 steps for 2019 are valid in 2020, too.

To access any resources mentioned in the video feel free to check out their article on how to make money blogging: https://createandgo.com/how-to-make-money-blogging/

Step #1. Start Your Blog the Right Way 0:43

Step #2. Make Your Blog Sexy Through Blog Design 4:09

Step #3. Create The Content People Need 5:28

Step #4. Get Traffic to Your Blog 7:29

Step #5. Build a Subscriber Fanclub 12:34

Step #6. Learn the 5 Different Types of Ways to Make Money 14:28

Step #7. Start with Ads and Sponsered Posts 17:50

Step #8. Progress and Master Affiliate Marketing 20:59

Step #9. Create Your Own Products and Services (Physical and Digital) 23:21

Step #10. Scale and Optimize 26:14

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