
What it ACTUALLY Costs To Start Amazon FBA in 2019

Work from home with Amazon FBA and make money online in 2019!
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If you want to work from home in 2019, and make money online, and I mean the kind of money that can allow you to quit your job, and change your life, then you need not look any further than Amazon FBA. Over 200,000 regular, every day people make six figures or more selling on Amazon FBA, and that number is only getting bigger.

There are plenty of ways to make passive income from home, and so many ways to make a full time income form home, including social media marketing, google ads, Facebook ads, digital courses, and I could literally name so many more. But if you want to make money online working from home and earn six figures or much more, than Amazon FBA beats them all.

In this video I show you not only a detailed step by step how to on Amazon FBA, but I also show you exactly how much Amazon FBA costs in this Amazon FBA tutorial, and I leave no stone un-turned. So make sure to take some notes because this video will show you how to change your life and become an Amazon FBA expert even if you’re a complete beginner. So enjoy and make money online today, and work from home in 2019!

The information contained on this YouTube Channel and the resources available for download/viewing through this YouTube Channel are for educational and informational purposes only.​

#HowToMakeMoneyOnline #PassiveIncome

Catalog Management Best Practices for Social Media

What is a catalog? A Facebook catalog is a “container that holds information about your inventory, like images, prices, descriptions, and more. You can create catalogs for products (e-commerce), hotels, flights, destinations, home listings, or vehicles.” Like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest also employ the use of catalogs to organize and sell products directly on the platform.

While catalog management is important for any e-commerce business, it also has a direct effect on your social media efforts: the status of your catalog impacts your ability to implement creative social media campaigns and the success of those campaigns. And this is not limited to just retail businesses; any company that sells a variety of products online can benefit from ensuring their catalog is well-formatted for social media.

In this post, we’ll explore how a product catalog can integrate with social media advertising across multiple platforms, and some best practices for maintaining a catalog that maximizes campaign performance.

How Does Social Media Use a Product Catalog?

Facebook Dynamic Product Ads

One of the most important features of product catalog implementation is the ability to use Dynamic Product Ads. This campaign type dynamically inserts products from your catalog based on actions users have taken on-site, or the likelihood that a new user would be interested in the product. Because the campaign is extremely personalized, we typically see it drive the highest ROAS.

Illustration showing how a product catalog integration with Facebook Dynamic Product Ads shows users product ads based on their on-site actions

Without a product catalog integration, Dynamic Product Ads are unavailable.

Facebook Shop

Businesses can sell their products directly on Facebook by adding a Facebook Shop section. Products are either manually entered or dynamically uploaded and displayed from a product catalog. Users can then purchase products without ever leaving the site or app. If your business has a wide variety of products, integrating your product catalog with Facebook can drastically cut down on time investment and ensure your Facebook Shop is always up to date.

Instagram Shopping

Marketers have been able to sell products via Instagram for over a year, but capabilities were limited to organic posts only. Businesses were able to tag their organic posts and stories with the product details that linked directly to the on-site product page or shop.

Screenshot of a clothing company's organic post on Instagram with product details tagged

However, recently, Instagram has been testing the ability to advertise those shopping posts directly from Ads Manager. This feature is only available if the product catalog is integrated with Facebook.

Pinterest Catalogs

Most marketers view Pinterest as a discovery platform versus a social media platform. Pinterest is aware of this and is doubling down on its users’ ability to shop on the platform. They recently introduced Pinterest Catalogs, where businesses can upload their entire catalog and promote their items through shoppable ads. Last month Pinterest announced an ad version of their organic Shop The Look pins, which allow advertisers to show an entire collection in one ad, with the ability to tag up to 25 products at once.

How Does Catalog Management Affect Social Media Performance?

The best practices of catalog management directly translate to the success of your social media campaigns. Whether you are directly integrating your product catalog via a POS system like Shopify, or manually uploading products to an excel spreadsheet, ensuring that formatting, image sizing, and collection information is correct and up-to-date will improve user experience, increase click-through, and increase your ROAS. This increase in ROAS comes from two places: prioritization of your campaign in the Facebook feed, which reduces costs, and an increase in conversion rates on-site.

Images and Descriptions

Images and descriptions that work great on-site may not directly translate to social media ads utilizing a product catalog. Ensuring that the products in your catalog are formatted with the correct image ratios and character limitations will increase your on-platform performance and reduce costs. Manually formatting to these specifications can be time-consuming, but there are tools out there to help with the workload. For example, Flexify simplifies the integration between Facebook and Shopify.

Post-Click Experience

Any incorrect or out-of-date products will increase ad costs and decrease conversion rates. Marking products out-of-stock and updating prices increase the likelihood that a user has a favorable post-click experience. Facebook, in particular, has made this an area of focus over the past few months, expanding from just interactions on-site. Users who immediately leave a page after a misleading ad will negatively impact the performance of the ad.

To Recap

As shopping and social browsing become more integrated, a well-managed product catalog will continue to increase in importance. When performing regular maintenance, be sure to follow these best practices to keep your offerings up-to-date and maximize your social media campaign performance:

  1. Ensure all product data is up-to-date and relevant.
  2. Images should be to be formatted to platform specifications to avoid inaccurate cropping or irregular sizes.
  3. All items adhere to platform content policies and terms and conditions.
  4. All product descriptions and titles should be formatted to platform specifications, particularly length.

The post Catalog Management Best Practices for Social Media appeared first on Portent.

Dropshipping In 2019 & 2020 | The Truth About Shopify Dropshipping


How to make money online with Shopify in 2019 and 2020 and work from home!

In this video my guest Adrian Morrisson and I take you step by step through a Shopify and drop shipping tutorial that makes it SO easy to start making money from home today.

Seriously, if you want to make money online in 2019 then you HAVE to try this strategy that is completely automated and simple to start. This is the best way to make passive income in 2019 and in 2020 around.

Are you looking for work from home jobs in 2019 and in 2020? Do you want to work at home and make money online so you can quit your job and try to become financially free and wealthy? Using shopify and apps like shine on for easy drop shipping passive income techniques is a great place to start and also can scale into full time incomes quickly and easily, and into even millions of dollars. YOu could easily call it the best work from home job in the world!

So enjoy this video as we take you step by step through this Shopify and drop shipping tutorial, show you how to find viral products, and automate them into tons of sales, and financial freedom!

The information contained on this YouTube Channel and the resources available for download/viewing through this YouTube Channel are for educational and informational purposes only.​

Make $100 in 24 Hours from ZERO! Available Worldwide | Make Money Online

If you want to work from home and make money online in 2019, then look no further than drop shipping on Shopify as one of if not the best work from home jobs in 2019. You can make a full time income from home and scale it into a six figure or more home business in no time. Make passive income in 2019 and 2020 with this passive income strategy involving Shopify and Facebook ads.

This strategy literally could no be easier, and in this video “Shopify Guru” Adrian Morrison stops in to show us how quick and easy it is to setup Shopify in literally just a few hours and start making money and building an audience in less than 24 hours!

This step by step “how to” on Shopify and Facebooks ads is shown to you by two people who have made 7 figures in the Shopify game, and if you want to learn how to make money online with Shopify and how to make money with Facebook ads then this is a one stop shop video that you need to watch right now!

So I hope you enjoy this video and don’t forget to like, subscribe and comment and especially don’t forget to make money online TODAY and work from home in 2019!


The information contained on this YouTube Channel and the resources available for download/viewing through this YouTube Channel are for educational and informational purposes only.​

#WorkFromHomeJobs #HowToMakeMoneyOnline #WorkFromHome #PassiveIncome


15 Business Quotes from Alibaba’s Jack Ma

Jack Ma Quotes

Jack Ma, the mavrick entrepreneur who founded the Chinese eCommerce company Alibaba has a great rags to riches story to tell.

Alibaba has been labelled to be more successful than Walmart and other off line retail giants. Jack Ma is the richest Chinese by networth – USD 40.5 billion as per 2017 data.

Below are 15 Quotes from Jack Ma

1) “The opportunities that everyone cannot see are the real opportunities.”

2) “Opportunity lies in the place where the complaints are.”

3) “When you are small, you have to be very focused and rely on your brain, not your strength.”

4) “Today is cruel. Tomorrow is crueller. And the day after tomorrow is beautiful.”

5) “Never ever compete on prices, instead compete on services and innovation.”

6) “The very important thing you should have is patience.”

7) There’s an examination for young people to go to university. I failed it three times. I failed a lot. So I applied to 30 different jobs and got rejected. I went for a job with the police; they said, ‘You’re no good.’ I even went to KFC when it came to my city. Twenty-four people went for the job. Twenty-three were accepted.

8) “Intelligent people need a fool to lead them. When the team’s all a bunch of scientists, it is best to have a peasant lead the way. His way of thinking is different. It’s easier to win if you have people seeing things from different perspectives.”

9) “Hire the person best suited to the job, not the most talented. This can be a very painful lesson. There’s no point putting in a Boeing jet engine when you need to run a tractor.”

10) “Spending money is much more difficult than making money.”

11) “I wanted to have a global company, so I chose a global name.”

12) “I got my story, my dream, from America. The hero I had is Forrest Gump… I like that guy. I’ve been watching that movie about 10 times. Every time I get frustrated, I watch the movie. I watched the movie before I came here again to New York. I watched the movie again telling me that no matter whatever changed, you are you.”

13) Chinese people, young people, they don’t go shopping a lot in department stores. All department store guys hate me. They say business is bad because of Jack.

14) I like to play cards. I’m not very good, because I don’t want to calculate, I just play by instinct. But I’ve learned a lot of business philosophy by playing poker.

15) You American people worry too much about the China economy. Every time you think China is a problem, we get better, but when you have a high expectation for China, China is always a problem.

How to Prospect for Guest Post Link Building Targets

As links remain one of the top Google ranking factors, a well-rounded digital marketing strategy must include some form of link building. Guest posting is one of the best ways to get relevant, high-quality backlinks to your site, but it can be intimidating when you’re first starting out.

Before you actually start writing guest posts and building links back to your site, you need to find online publications for which to write. But how do you find sites that allow guest posting? And how can you tell which ones are high-quality and will be valuable to your site’s ranking in the SERPs? Here’s what you need to know so you can start prospecting for guest post link building targets and landing links to your site.

Tools to Use for Guest Post Prospecting

When prospecting for guest posting sites, there are various outreach tools that are helpful, which we’ll cover in this post:

Most of these tools are free or have a free version. Keep in mind that you don’t need to have the latest and greatest software and tools to be successful with guest post link building. At the most basic level, using Google search queries can get you a long way.

Searching for Websites

Google Search Queries

Even with all of the useful and complex tools available, a Google search is still one of the best ways to find sites for guest posting. You just need to know the right approach to search for sites.

Start with simple search terms to find sites relevant to yours, then move on to more complex searches. Familiarize yourself with search operators as they can help you narrow down sites. Operators that are particularly useful for finding guest posting sites are:

  • Quotation marks (“ “): this will bring up exact matches of the terms within the quotation marks
  • InURL search query (InURL:): this will bring up pages with your search term in the URL
  • Minus sign (-): this will exclude terms you don’t want in the search results

Using any combination of these operators will bring up different results, so try changing them if you aren’t getting the results you need. Here are a few search terms and operators you can try out:

  • “[keyword, industry, or vertical]” “guest post”
    Example: “business” “guest post”
  • “[keyword, industry, or vertical]” “write for us”
    Example: “travel” “write for us”
  • “this is a guest post by” inurl:[keyword, industry, or vertical]
    Example: “this is a guest post by” inurl:tech
  • “contribute guest article” “[keyword, industry, or vertical]”
    Example: contribute guest article “health and wellness”
  • “[keyword or vertical]” guest post -[website or term you don’t want included]
    Example: “fashion” guest post -sponsored

When you get stuck and feel like you aren’t finding any good guest posting sites through your original search query, click on a few of the related searches at the bottom of the page and see what comes up. Even the smallest change in a Google search query can bring up very different results, so don’t be afraid to tweak your queries.


Among all of the great tools by Ahrefs is the Link Intersect Tool, which is especially useful when you want to see what sites are linking to your competitors. All you need to do is add your competitor’s website URLs into the boxes where it says “Show me who is linking to these domains or URLs,” then put your own website URL into the box that says “But doesn’t link to” and click “Show link opportunities.”

Screenshot of Ahrefs Link Intersect Tool

It will pull up a list of all the backlinks your competitors have that you don’t. You can then sift through the results and see which ones are relevant to your site, and then research to see if they are currently accepting guest posts.

Similar Sites

Once you’ve found at least one site that’s good for guest posting, head over to Similar Sites and plug in that URL. It will find other websites that are similar to the one you plugged in. This saves lots of time when searching for sites in a particular industry or vertical.

How to Evaluate a Site for Guest Posting Potential

Once you’ve found a site on which you’d like to guest post, you need to evaluate it to make sure it’s not only relevant but credible and can pass authority onto your site. You don’t want to guest post on a site that has lots of spammy links and low-quality content. It won’t do any good for your site, and can actually hurt it. Google and other search engines may assume that you’re participating in a link scheme and penalize your site.

Here are some things to look for when evaluating a site for guest posting potential.

Is This Site Relevant to My Business?

Figure out what the goal of the website is and what kind of people might visit it. If they’re the kind of people that you want to come to your target page, that’s a good sign. Relevance is the number one most important thing to look for when guest posting.

Does This Site Look Credible?

If the site looks like it was hand-coded in 1997, that’s a hard pass. Make sure it looks up-to-date and thoughtfully put together. Take a look at the “about” page to see who owns and maintains the site and what their mission is. The bottom line: if it’s a site that doesn’t scare you the first time you visit, it’s worth considering.

Check the Domain Authority or Domain Rank

Install the MozBar or Ahrefs SEO Toolbar on your browser. Either of these will provide certain metrics for each site you visit. The main thing we’ll look at for guest posting is Moz Domain Authority (DA) or Ahrefs Domain Rank (DR).

Screenshot of the MozBar installed and showing metrics for portent.com

Both DA and DR are a number out of 100 and, in general, higher is better. DA measures a site’s likelihood of ranking on the SERPs, and DR is an evaluation of a site’s backlink profile.

A good rule of thumb when looking at a site’s DA or DR for guest posting is to keep it above 25. If it’s below that, it’s not always a bad thing, especially if the site is relevant to your business. Relevance will always outweigh DA or DR, so don’t be afraid of guest posting on sites with low DA or DR if they’re pertinent to your site and look authoritative and high quality.

Site Traffic

Install the Similar Web browser plugin to gain insights on sight traffic.

Screenshot of the SimilarWeb tool installed and showing traffic insights for portent.com

Look at how many monthly visits the site gets. More site visits mean more potential visibility for your article and a higher chance of gaining referral traffic via your guest post. If a site has a low number of monthly visits, it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth spending the time and resources to write a guest post for it or not. And once again, relevance is the most important thing, so if a site is relevant to your business, it’s okay if there aren’t as many monthly site visits.

Does This Site Have a Blog?

If you’re going to write a guest post for another site, you’ll need to make sure there’s a blog where your guest post can be published. Evaluate the blog to see if it’s a good fit for your content.

Start by quickly checking out two to three blog posts and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How often are new posts published? A good blog is published consistently, whether it’s once a day, a couple of times a week, or a few times a month. If a site’s most recent blog post is six months old, there’s a good chance you won’t get a guest post on it for quite a while, if at all.
  2. Are there links within the body of each blog post? If you’re going to build links via guest posting, you’ll want to make sure links are allowed in your article. You don’t want to waste all your effort writing a post and not getting a link back to your site.
  3. How many links are there? If there’s only one link in each blog post, it might be difficult to make sure it’s one leading back to your site. If there are four to ten links in an article, you have a higher chance of getting your link in there. If there are more than ten links per article, it may look spammy to search engines, so it’s probably best to avoid it.
  4. Are the links external, internal, or a combination of both? Hover over a link and it will show the destination URL in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Do this for a few links in each article to see if all of the links are external (leading to other websites) or internal (leading only to other pages within the same site). If it only has internal links, steer clear of guest posting for that site as they’ll likely replace your link with one back to their own site (or remove your link altogether). There need to be at least a few external links in each article on the site for it to be a viable option for guest posting.Screenshot of a Portent.com blog post, with the mouse hanging over a link and the link destination showing up in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen
  5. Where do the external links lead? If all of the external links go to irrelevant, spammy, or product pages, that’s a red flag. Make sure all of the external links are relevant to the articles in which they’re being used.
  6. Are the links dofollow or nofollow? Nofollow links probably won’t pass on much SEO value to your site until nofollow becomes a “hint” in 2020, so you’ll want to try and get only dofollow links. Install the NoFollow Chrome Plugin to check for nofollow links. It puts a dotted red box around nofollow links so you can quickly see if a site uses them frequently. If you’ve already installed Moz’s toolbar, it can do the same thing.Screenshot showing how the NoFollow Chrome plugin puts a red dotted box around a nofollow link on a website
  7. Do the articles use correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure? Bad grammar and incorrect spelling and sentence structure may be a sign that a site doesn’t have quality content. You don’t want your site to be related to low-quality content, so stick to sites that have well-written, high-quality posts.
  8. Do the blog posts have disclaimers? Some sites publish only sponsored or affiliate guest posts, and they’ll put up a disclaimer that says something like “This is a sponsored post by ____” or “This article may contain affiliate links.” This means if you want to post on their site you’ll have to pay, and if you’re looking for a free guest post, you probably won’t get it.
  9. Who writes the blog posts? If the only people you see authoring posts on the site are staff or internal authors, they probably won’t accept a guest post from you. But if there are articles written by “guest authors,” “guest bloggers,” “guest contributors,” or anything else similar, the site likely welcomes guest posting, and you’ve got a good chance of publishing a post.

Send That Pitch

Now that you’ve determined that a site is right for guest posting, find the email address of its editor and send the best pitch you can. Make sure your pitch is friendly and catered to the site, keeping in mind it’s audience and what page you are trying to land a link to. Keep things relevant, helpful, authoritative, and high-quality, and you can’t go wrong. It’s a win-win for both you and the site you are writing for.

The post How to Prospect for Guest Post Link Building Targets appeared first on Portent.

10 Legit Ways To Make Money And Passive Income Online – How To Make Money Online

In this video I will show you how to make money and passive income online. All you need is a computer or a smartphone, with internet access.

Audible 30 Day Free Trial: https://amzn.to/2mO6ow0

Kindle Publishing Course (My Personal Favorite) : http://6110b7uj3-bs8k1ezkjk32uj6k.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=PRACTICAL

Kindle Publishing Course (Another Good One – More Expensive Though): https://learn.myselfpublishingblueprint.com/courses/my-self-publishing-blueprint?affcode=195575_ey3cgdh8

Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the links and decide to make a product purchase, a small commission will be paid to us. This helps support our channel and allows us to continue to make awesome videos for you guys.

10 Things The Rich Do That The Poor Don’t – Why You Are Still Broke

Explaining 10 things that rich people do that poor people don’t that determines each one’s financial success

Good Books To Checkout:
1) Rich Dad Poor Dad – https://amzn.to/2Enfwy9
2) Think And Grow Rich – http://amzn.to/2G7Agie
3) The Millionaire Next Door – http://amzn.to/2GHcV4Z

If you enjoyed this video, please check out Adam Del Duca’s channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3amebly_98Ne_-kH1ADQxQ

Music Credit: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Practical Wisdom.

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the links and decide to make a product purchase, a small commission will be paid to us. This helps support our channel and allows us to continue to make awesome videos for you guys.

Podcast Advertising Formats Explained

Podcast advertising is the new kid on the block—and he is popular. Although given how swift podcasts commandeered the entertainment market, this popularity is predictable. More than 90 million people listen to a podcast every month, a skyrocketing increase of 113% since 2014. Podcasts have higher user retention and engagement rates, too: 93 percent of listeners get through the majority of any podcast episode they start.

What’s most impressive is the new kid’s silver tongue. If users listen to a podcast for at least four years, 72 percent of them purchase a product advertised on that podcast.

If you want to dabble in podcast advertising to see if it’s the right fit for your brand, part of the seven-step process is choosing what podcast ad format best complements your goals.

Podcast Ad Types: Live Ad vs. Pre-Produced Ad

How much control do you want over how your product, service, or company is described? This is the first question you’ll want to answer. Your answer determines whether the ad is read live during the podcast recording or if it’s pre-produced and inserted into the podcast. Each option has its strengths, and this decision affects your entire ad campaign.

Live Read Podcast Ad

A live read podcast ad is read by the host(s) while they’re recording the show, and are often introduced organically when the host(s) chats about a relevant subject.

Most live read ads are “off script,” and the hosts discuss your product or service in their own words; you can often provide a script, but it may not sound as natural or authentic. And because they are introduced organically during the show, live read ads become a permanent part of the episode.

Pre-Produced Podcast Ad

Pre-produced podcast ads fall into two categories: sponsor-produced and host-read.

The sponsor-produced ad is akin to a traditional radio spot, with high production value and various thematic elements, like music or sound effects. The host-read ad is read from a script—written by you or the podcast’s production team—and then inserted into the podcast during post-production. Since these ads are inserted after the episode is complete, they also have a shelf life, limiting the effectiveness of any time-sensitive campaigns.

The following two audio clips are examples of different types of host-read ads for Ahrefs. The first is scripted with the host reading what Ahrefs provided her:


The second is a live-read ad that was incorporated organically into the episode by the host:


For more examples where this came from, along with additional insights on podcast advertising, check out this post from the Ahrefs blog.

Which Do You Choose?

The answer to most questions about podcast advertising falls into one category: what makes sense for your brand, demographic, and goals? In this case, which production level you choose depends on how you want your brand to sound, and what action you’re trying to convince users to take.

Perhaps you’re advertising a free trial of your product for podcast listeners who use a special code, but your product has a high barrier to entry after the free trial ends. A live read ad where the host discusses, in their own words, why your product is beneficial may help break down some of the aforementioned barriers. Listeners trust the podcast hosts, and if they seem genuinely excited about your product or service, that enthusiasm is conveyed and influences the user’s choice.

On the other hand, pre-produced ads are best for companies that want strict control of how their product or brand is discussed. It’s also a great fit for any company buying multiple dynamically inserted ad placements.

After you’ve decided on the type of reading you want, the next step is choosing a podcast ad position.

Types of Podcast Ad Positions

The typical podcast has three types of ad placements: pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll.

As we described in a previous post, pre-roll ads occur at the beginning of an episode, mid-roll ads happen in the middle (often as an intermission), and post-roll ads occur after the episode is complete.

If time is a factor in your advertisement, then you want to aim for pre-roll and post-roll, which are often 15-30 seconds long. If you’ve purchased a live-read ad, then mid-roll is the ideal choice since it ranges from one to two minutes long and gives hosts ample time to ramble about their experiences with your product.

However, considering 72 percent of listeners finish a podcast episode they start, and 93 percent of users actively listen to the majority of a podcast, we believe mid-roll ads are the best option for most companies because they happen when users are most in-tune with the episode.

After you’ve determined the ad type and where within the episode you want it to air, the last decision is the podcast advertisement format.

Podcast Ad Formats: Baked-in vs. Dynamically Inserted

Most podcasts offer two types of ad formats: baked-in and dynamically inserted.

Baked-in ads are live-read or pre-produced and become an inseparable part of the episode. Regardless of when listeners engage with the episode, they’ll all hear the same advertisement.

Dynamically inserted ads are pre-produced and inserted into the post-production episode by an ad server. Because a dynamic ad can be inserted into the podcast at any time, users will hear different advertisements depending on when they listen to the episode.

Which Do You Choose?

Once again, your choice depends on your goals and the podcast you advertise with. Many podcast publishers handle baked-in and dynamically inserted ads in different ways, and several popular podcasts only offer one type of ad.

The general rule of thumb is if you’re targeting a podcast with a stable demographic that closely aligns with your ideal user base, and you’re not running a time-sensitive campaign, then baked-in ads are a great option. Contrarily, any time-sensitive or seasonal ads, or podcasts with diverse user bases, should aim for dynamically inserted ads to earn enough exposure and provide more audience targeting opportunities.

Don’t Forget to Chat with the Podcast Hosts and Publisher

When you approach a podcast to sponsor, you should have an idea of who you want to target, what type of ad you’d like to run, and which format you want to use. But don’t forget the last essential rule: ask the podcast hosts and publisher for their suggestions.

Most publishers have an excellent idea of who their listeners are and which show(s) may be a great fit for your company. They’ll also know what type of podcast advertisement is the best fit for your needs. If you do your homework and get input from the hosts, you’re setting your ad campaign up for success.

The post Podcast Advertising Formats Explained appeared first on Portent.

Social Media Marketing Trends in 2018

Social Media Marketing Trends 2018

As we all gear into the new year, its important to reflect on the new possibilities and technologies that can impact your website in 2018. My friends at Digital Vidya have blogged about key social media marketing trends in 2018 that will make a difference to your marketing ROI, these trends are a Social Media Marketing Trends in 2018 part of the interview series done by three experts from the digital and social media marketing functions.

I am honored and privileged to be a part of the expert panel on the interview series on social media alongwith my two other expert panelists.

While the questions are only three, the depth of the answers will give you an overall perspective on what’s going to work in 2018.

And Yes …in the interview I’ve spilled the beans on where your marketing dollar and efforts should be focused 🙂

Check out my interview on Social Media Marketing Trends in 2018


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