
How can I start affiliate marketing?

If you are new in the Topic “making Money online” you will ask yourself the Question: Which is the most reasonable way to earn Money online? How can I avoid burning a lot of cash? Can Affiliate Marketing be the proper way?

I found a helpful article as introduction in the Topic of Affiliate Marketing on QUORA written by Ankit Singla. Enjoy reading.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

You promote third party’s products to your audience and you get commission on each verified sale.

Because having an audience is crucial in Affiliate Marketing only then you can sell your products to them.

Now let’s discuss…

How To Build Audience For Affiliate Marketing?

There are multiple ways to build an audience base. Like:

  • Having followers on social media
  • Writing answers on Quora (like this one :D)
  • Uploading videos on YouTube
  • etc.

You can try these things to build your audience base. All these methods are great.


There is one problem with these platforms.

These platforms are not yours.

You have no control on these platforms and your account can be banned anytime and if you are solely dependant on these platforms for your affiliate marketing career, then it can be vanished overnight.

Now you might ask: So where to build the audience?

What is the best way to build audience for Affiliate Marketing?

My answer is: Blogging!

Blogging is the best thing you can start to make handsome money with Affiliate Marketing.

You write on a particular niche (the one you are most passionate and knowledgable about), gradually you build up your audience and you start promoting relevant and helpful products to them.

You have full control over your blog and the audience you build. Agree?

But here is one thing you need to understand.

Not every niche is perfect for Affiliate Marketing.

Now you might be thinking, Ankit then…

How To Find A Perfect Niche For Affiliate Marketing?

Well, as per my 4 years of Affiliate Marketing experience, a niche must have 3 qualities:

  1. Low competition
  2. Profitability
  3. Link Opportunities

Once you are ready with your niche, next thing you need is a PRODUCT or several niche related products to promote.

Why finding the products before even writing a single blog post is important?

It is important so that you could plan your content calendar. And keep a proper vision is always good. Isn’t it?

Now let’s quickly learn:

How To Find Products For Affiliate Marketing?

There are many ways to find the products, but I like these 3 the most:

  1. Ask Google: Search niche + affiliate programs on Google and from there you can easily get some good affiliate products to pick.
  2. Join Affiliate Marketplaces or Affiliate Networks: Affiliate marketplaces like ShareASale, CJ, etc. have tons of good products to pick. Just go to their category pages and pick any relevant product.
  3. Spy your Competitors: Closely observe what your competitors are doing. Which products they are promoting. f you believe you can promote these products better than your competitors, then just do it.
Example for Affiliate Link in the text

This way you can easily find your niche relevant affiliate products.

I hope I explained this point well. Feel free to watch another video of mine on 3 Great ways to find Affiliate Products just in case you need more clarity.

Now you are ready with your niche and some affiliate products to promote.

It’s time to publish high-quality content on your blog so that people can read your content and buy from your affiliate links.

Now again the question is:

How To Find Blog Post Topics For Affiliate Marketing?

It’s simple! Trust me.

You have your competitors list, right? We will use the same list to get some content ideas.

Find out few of their top performing commercial keywords and write content way better than them.

Not sure how to spy their keywords, no problem. Feel free to read my detailed guide on the same.

With proper SEO, you’ll be able to rank those articles. Explaining SEO thing here is out of the scope of this answer.

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